Some of us have lived here 20, 30, even 40 years.  Some of us have grown up here, and lived here our whole lives.  We are a diverse, tight-knit community of residents who are are united in the fight against mass renoviction of our home.
We have have hosted our extended family of neighbours for many events held at my home:  Easter, Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas dinner, and New Years Eve gatherings over the past 15 years. It makes me sad that those get togethers may not happen anymore. I wouldn't trade those memories for all the money in the world and I believe our community is worth the fight and others like ours.
I think living in this place may have saved my life.  Perhaps literally.  Five years ago, while struggling with depression in what is often known as Canada's loneliest city, I was offered an invitation to move into Berkeley Tower.  Steadily, over time, those people I hardly knew showed me a new way of life. Really, what life is about at the core: community.

After 18 years living here, I can’t imagine losing regular contact with my dear friends across the hall, whose children have been in and out of my place since they were born.
I'm really worried about my elderly neighbours who are on fixed incomes. It breaks my heart to think that they could become literally homeless with nowhere to go that they can afford.

When I look through my pictures over the past 15 years of living at Berkeley Tower, a flood of emotions and the overwhelming feeling of joy, love, pride and happiness take over despite the bad stuff that has happened and is still happening.
The friendships I have formed in this place have been like an oasis and have embedded in me a strength which I did not know is possible. Before living at Berkeley Tower I never quite knew friends could be so dear. That people could support each other in this way. It breaks my heart to think of losing my home. A community strangled to choke out another dollar for Jon Stovell.

Eviction from my home into a greed and profit driven housing market would be a personal misfortune. I’ve loved and worked in this city all my life and don’t want to be forced to leave.
The building residents have watched my children grow and I think they love to hear them in the elevators and running around throughout the building. My kids love all the tenants in the building and I love how my kids think of the tenants as their own personal friends.